Category List
Field Work Podcast
On the Web
- 2016 Iowa Farm Custom Rate Survey – Ag Decision Maker
- A General Guide for Crop Nutrient and Limestone Recommendations in Iowa
- Concepts and Rationale for Regional Nitrogen Rate Guidelines for Corn
- Corn Responses To Deep Placement of Phosphorus and Potassium in High Yield Production Systems
- Evaluation of Cool Season Cover Crops in the North Central Region
- Fertilizer Application Method Research Study Presentation
- Fertilizer placement to improve crop nutrient acquisition and yield
- Gypsum – John Sawyer, Soil Fertility Extension Specialist Department
- Integrated Pest Management – Nutrient Deficiencies and Application Injuries in Field Crops
- IPNI – Urease Inhibitors
- Liquid Carbon Pathway
- National Corn Handbook – Nitrification Inhibitors for Corn Production
- Nutrient Deficiencies and Application Injuries in Field Crops
- Recommended Soil Health Indicators and Associated Laboratory Procedures
- Removal of Lithium Citrate from H3A for Determination of Plant Available P
- Root and Shoot Biomass and Nutrient Composition in a Winter Rye Cover Crop
- Silicon availability modifies nutrient use efficiency and content, C:N:P stoichiometry, and productivity of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
- Soil Test Biological Activity with the Flush Co2: III. Corn Yield Responses to Applied Nitrogen
- Sulfur Deficiency in Corn – Perdue University Department of Agronomy
- Take a Good Soil Sample to Help Make Good Fertilization Decisions
- The Soil Health Tool—Theory and Initial Broad-Scale Application
- Use of the Late-Spring Soil Nitrate Test in Iowa Corn Production
YouTube Content
What’s Going Into Your Fertility Plan?
Right Zones = Smart Zones
Stalk Nitrate Sampling
What Do You Want To See In a Soil Report?
Sudden Death Syndrome
Data Reporting
Deficiency Issues