The 2022 Continuum Ag Field Day
The crops are planted, and the unofficial start of summer is here! That means it’s almost time for Continuum Ag’s 2022 Field Day. Our team has been preparing for months and we are sure you will enjoy our great line-up of speakers! Check…

Water Infiltration
Where there’s water, there’s life. That is a saying more for Africa but also appropriate for here in the States. Water is the key to help plants grow by being part of photosynthesis and moving nutrients through the plant. Where does this…

Interest in Regenerative Agriculture is Circling Continuum Ag from All Angles
Well, it’s been a while since I've given a blog update with things that have been going on with Continuum Ag, so I figured it’s my turn to share some insights as to what we’ve really been up to. The future of agriculture is clearer than…

From the Road: Arkansas Blog
I recently made the long trip down to Arkansas for my first soil sampling trip for Continuum Ag. It was an action-packed trip, leaving a trail through Missouri, Tennessee, Mississippi and finally, Arkansas. After being stuck in an elevator in…

What is a C:N ratio, and why does it matter for my farm?
If you ask any farmer what their biggest limiting factors are on their farm, what do you think the biggest answers would be? I think the majority of farmers would say water, soil pH, or nitrogen. However, one of the biggest limiting factors…

Farm Visit: Loran Steinlage
This week, we had the opportunity to visit Loran Steinlage’s farm. Loran is a farmer in northeastern Iowa, and is a big name when it comes to regenerative practices. When asked how many generations his family has farmed, Loran says that his…

Ecological Intesification
As the demand for sufficient and high-quality food production increases, farmers are under constant pressure to improve and adapt. More emphasis is needed on farming approaches that minimize input cost while maximizing output. What if ecological…

New TopSoil Features
Continuum Ag has some exciting news!
At Continuum Ag, we’re very excited to announce the new features that have just been launched to our TopSoil software. The Farm Profile, Regen Returns Report, and Regen Roadmap are all tools that are going…

Diversity Through Cover Crops
There are many benefits to increasing biodiversity on your farm. The standard rotation of corn and beans is what most Midwestern's row crop farmers stick to, and this model is hard to break because of the lack of availability of other viable…

The Dirty Glove Awards
With all of the awards farmers can receive, which is the one that is most talked about and most competitive? The national yield contest. Farmers from around the country compete in the national yield contest, very closely managing their small…

Your Soil's Winter Blanket
Day in and day out, farmers face issues that they have no control over. Input costs, prices of commodities, government regulation, and equipment breakdowns are just a few of the inevitable problems that farmers have to deal with year round.…

Building Your Soil Health Community
In any industry, community is something that is very important to cultivate. As a farmer or rancher, what does your community look like? What is your support network? The soil health community is growing quickly, and is beginning to gain momentum.…

Why should you implement cover crops on your farm?
The season of cover crop planting is coming to a close. Did you get any cover crops out in your fields this year? Cover crops can be expensive, and many farmers would rather spend their money on other inputs like fertilizer, chemicals, etc.…

How our soil sampling program can benefit your farm
What value does Continuum Ag’s RightWay soil sampling program deliver to farmers?
We get that question a lot, and we get it. You want to know that what you pay for is going to provide value to your operation. What’s different…

Chasing my PhD in Regenerative Ag
My name is Tucker Gibbons, and I am an agronomist and customer success lead at Continuum Ag. I grew up in small-town Michigan, where I followed my dad around to farms as he tended to livestock and horses as a veterinarian. I…

Crop Residue and Why It's Valuable
Since he began using residue on his farm Brian Hora has learned more about residue management and benefits, and this is what he has to say, “Residue is not only a nutrient source, it is also food for the microbes, adding to our soil biology,…

Policy and Sustainable Ag: Summer 2021
It is nearly inevitable that when any change is happening within an industry the Government always wants to play a part and become involved. This is definitely happening now when it comes to the regenerative ag/soil health movement. With the…

Helping Farmers Overcome the Logistic and Economic Risk of Adopting Sustainable Ag
The regenerative ag/soil health/sustainability, movement has continued to gain a lot of notoriety, a lot of press, and awareness. However, we still need to come up with a strategy for the adoption of these regenerative practices. Washington…

TopSoil Tool Launches New Features
In 2020 Continuum Ag received our first round of venture capital investment. These funds were to be utilized to expand our team as we implemented early go-to-market, develop our software, TopSoil, and complete legal milestones for business success. …

Monetizing Soil Health Through Carbon and Knowledge
It's really interesting to watch how agriculture and how farmers come in and out of the spotlight when it comes to political discussions and overall media interest. Today, we see farmers at the heart of the discussion when it comes to the new…

Cheers 2020, Hello 2021!
First off, thank you everyone for a good year regardless of the crazy 2020 circumstances. Here’s to a Merry Christmas and a happy 2021! Although 2020 was filled with plenty of ups and downs, overall we've had a great year at Continuum…

TopSoil Tool: New Features, New Value
Over the last year, Continuum Ag has been building the agricultural space’s first soil health data analytics platform. We publicly launched the TopSoil Tool in March 2020 and we’re really excited to share some of the new features that we…

Experimenting with Relay Rye
Today, we want to give an update on the relay crop, now that the rye portion of the trial has all been wrapped up. One of the main things to consider as we expand cover cropping is that we need to be able to grow more cover crop seed. Cover…

Experimenting with Barley and Small Grains
This year, we decided to start growing barley for the first time. We have about 24 acres of barley that we planted last fall as normal cover crop. We planted one bushel to the acre, but instead of terminating the cover crop, we harvested it…

Introducing the 2020 Mega Trial
Today, we want to give an introduction to this year’s “Mega Trial”. Over the last couple of years, Continuum Ag has helped farmers and our overall network to understand products and practices that can help improve soil health. We’ve…

Plant 2020: Our Strategy
Well, not sure when Mother Nature is going to cooperate, but sometime here spring will stay! Plant 2020 is here! We hope you are excited as we are. It’s important to reflect during this time on the importance of our role as farmers, we are…

Agriculture: Essential Now, Essential Always
What a crazy time we are in right now between trade, adverse weather conditions and now a global pandemic. This current state of our planet is something we have never seen or experienced before. However, the key takeaway here is how vital agriculture…

Understanding The Importance of AgTech
AgTech has been a buzzword that has continuously grown. It can be great, and provide a lot of tools for us as farmers, but it can also be scary in the sense that we’re being bombarded with a ton of technologies, data and new tools that can…

What’s Happening to the Nutrients in Your Soil Over Winter?
“Wow, what the heck is happening to soil nutrients right now?” This is something many farmers are wondering. With extreme weather and rainfall patterns through the 2018 and 2019 seasons, no current soil prediction model can fully understand…

Relay Crop Trial Results
The idea to execute this trial came about because we’ve been using cover crops on our farm for the last couple of years. However, seed can be an issue in terms of availability and price. So, I said, “Dad, why don’t we try to harvest some…

Insider: Ecosystem Service Markets
We always hear, “Well I don’t get paid for soil health.” Traditionally we as farmers have only been paid for the yields produced off of our farms. We try to do things as efficiently as possible while driving for maximum yield. We’ve…

60-inch Corn Trial 2019
As promised, we want to tell the complete story of our experiment with 30 inch by 60 inch row corn here in Iowa on the Continuum Ag farm. Mitchell bought this plot in 2017. Last year it was soybeans, and they did really well. This 30 acre area…

Harvest Data Collection: Why It's Becoming So Important
Traditional harvest data
As we are now getting into the heat of harvest season, data is on everyone’s mind - yield data, moisture, acres harvested, total bushels produced and crop pricing. These are some of the many different data points…

It's Time to Start Thinking About Fall Soil Sampling
Are you getting a return on investment in your soil fertility program? How did the adverse weather this year impact your soil and overall soil health? We can do soil sampling tests to find out.
What is RightWay?
RightWay is Continuum…

Farmers: Get Paid for Carbon Sequestration!
How do farmers get paid for carbon sequestration?
Since starting into the soil health space, we often heard “I don’t get paid for soil health”. That has now changed. Recently, groups such as Indigo Ag have stepped forward saying, “We’re…

What is Continuum Ag?
What is Continuum Ag?
Continuum Ag is a soil health consulting company fueled by our new custom analytics software. With this software, we can quantify and improve soil health around the world. As we fine-tuning our services, we are working…