New features include:
1. Auto zones
TopSoil’s auto zone feature will generate machine learning-backed zones upon submitting your fields. This feature is free! Many of our consultants utilize these 10ac zones, however, we can bring in existing zone shapefiles, generate grid samples, and edit zones to fit each field’s needs.
2. Auto recommendations
As a consultant, enter your custom recommendation formulas or choose from our list of available options. TopSoil automatically pulls data from the lab after your samples have been analyzed and links the sample data with the map. Our new auto recommendations tool runs your chosen formulas so all you have to do is tweak the recommendation map and approve the final the results for your farmer. TopSoil is scaling the science of agriculture so consultants and farmers can optimize their art.

3. Online payment portal
Consultants can now send invoices and receive electronic payments for services rendered via TopSoil. Reduce your time on Quickbooks, get paid faster, and make client lives easier via the online payments portal! Farmers, you can choose to pay online and simplify your agronomic management. All invoices are customizable and our system keeps the consultant in charge.
4. TopSoil Resources Page

5. Custom services list for consultants
In 2021, Continuum Ag is continuing to expand and explore venture capital opportunities as we shift our TopSoil Tool developments to ensure that farmers are being optimally rewarded for their adoption of regenerative ag systems. Carbon and other ecosystem service markets are at the forefront of on-farm discussions but navigating these offerings can be complicated and cumbersome. TopSoil farmers can enroll with the click of a button to optimize data flow and ensure success in-market initiatives. Contact us today to complete your onboarding or get a demo, and stay tuned for more updates from Continuum Ag as we emerge as the catalyst for sustainable agriculture.