Frequently Asked Questions

Continuum Ag

What is Continuum Ag?

-Continuum Ag is a consulting and data management company with a focus on soil health.


How do I edit my fields?
How do I enter a Field Boundary?

-To enter a field boundary on top soil you go to the right hand side of the screen, and click on the plus. It will then have you select a grower, put a field name in, and finally you will either put your zip file in or click draw a boundary.

How do I Invite new users on TopSoil?
How do I log into TopSoil?

– To log into TopSoil go to and sign in. After you sign in you should be able to see a demo field and also your own field.

How do I make a TopSoil Account?
How do I Request Services?
How do I review my results on TopSoil?
How do I see my location on TopSoil?

Go into your settings on your device.

For Apple Users:
Go to settings —> Privacy
Location Services
Turn On


For Android Users:

How do I upload my own data?
How do I view my Invoice and make a payment?
How do I ZIP my files together?
What is TopSoil?

– TopSoil is a online soil health data tracking tool

Haney Soil Test

How is the Haney soil test any different than a traditional soil test?

-This test examines total organic carbon and total organic nitrogen to determine a C:N ratio used to make general cover crop recommendations. This test also includes a 24 hour CO2 soil respiration test to look at microbial biomass and potentially mineralizable nitrogen.

What is a Haney test?

– Dual extraction procedure that allows the producer to assess overall soilhealth. The test is used to track changes in soilhealth based on management decisions.